Indication for registered designs

The project aims firstly to understand each country and region’s system for identifying/indicating protected designs beyond the official design register or gazette. Additionally, the project will identify any information that each Partner Office, within its possible range, collected and recorded regarding how often the indications are utilized, and highlight any beneficial effects of clear indications for protected/registered designs (Phase 1). It also aims secondly to enhance the beneficial effect of design rights in ID5 partner countries and regions, while alternatively contributing to extensive promotion of the design system per se (Phase 2).

ID5 Assessment of Designs

The project aims to produce a Handbook explaining how and when the examiners of the five Partner Offices assess designs starting with the fundamental step of interpreting the graphical representations of designs fulfilling the view and drawing requirements. The Handbook will help applicants better understand substantive examination by explaining how the five Partner countries interpret and assess the graphical representations of their applications. The resources required for the present project are similar to the one for the Catalogue in gathering of information of practises currently applied by the partners of ID5.
Lead by EUIPO

E-learning Platform on Graphical Representation for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

The proposed project will start one step earlier than the User Guide, namely when a designer has created a new design and is aware that it is possible to obtain protection by registering it with an IP Office. At that moment he/she may still not know that the design cannot just be deposited with the IP Office, as it was possible in former times, but a graphical representation has to be prepared which could be done in many different forms, the choice of form having a crucial impact on the scope of the design right. The project deliverable will be an e-learning platform on the ID5 website containing infographics with clear and instructive suggestions for creating representations of design which are acceptable by the five Partners, targeting primarily individuals and SMEs with little experience in design registration. The platform with the information presented in the infographics will introduce the user to the need for a graphical representation and explain the various options by way of examples. The examples will be in line with the requirements outlined in the User Guide and the Catalogue without going too far into the technical details of these requirements. Certain advanced graphical tools like disclaimers or exploded views may be left for further reading. At the end, the user will have understood why a graphical representation is needed and what may be the optimal choice depending in his/her case. For further reading, if needed, the user may be referred to the Guide and the Catalogue.

Protection of Digital Design in Metaverse

This project compares the current level of protection provided to digital designs, and the protection level which the users in the relevant industries require so that ID5 Offices can identify a direction and make a recommended practice in the long run. To that end, the project is carried out with 4 steps in 2023: (1) 10-min-presentation by each Office in the midterm meeting, (2) summary of the presentations by the leading Offices, (3) user presentations in the user session, and (4) the project outcome combining Partners’ and Users’ contributions.

Informative User Guide for the View and Drawing Requirements of Designs

The project aims to form an easy to read guide based on the previous EUIPO-led project of Catalogue of the View and Drawing Requirements for Designs, and it will present to users the differences and similarities concerning the view submission among five offices in an easy to follow format. If agreed by ID5 partners, this project could also provide users with forms which could be accepted by all the five offices. For more information, please click “Project Brief” icon above.

Joint Communication Action

The main objective of this project is to share information on communication practices and strategies among the ID5 partners and to identify potential opportunities to communicate about the ID5 forum. Another central objective of the project is to implement specific actions oriented to foster awareness on the aims, activities, upcoming news and events of ID5 as well as to disseminate the project outcomes and results to a large audience. The objective is not to implement numerous communication actions, but to identify opportunities and to develop actions that are beneficial for the ID5 partners in the most cost effective way.

New Technologies Exchanges

The main objective of this project is to exchange information and experience about the use of new technologies. Partners could share ongoing and future projects and learn from each other.
Lead by EUIPO