Study of priority document exchange by ID5 Offices
To determine the feasibility and implementation timelines for Partners joining the WIPO Digital Access Service (DAS) based priority document exchange system and/or SIPO’s Verifiable Priority Document (VPD) system.
Study on the admissibility of internet information as legitimate disclosure for novelty examinations
According to the progress and study results, the ID5 offices can also discuss the possibility of sharing some information with the public, or conducting further study, such as implementing information sharing on some specific subjects of common interests in quality management.
Study of design Non-Patent literature data resources among ID5 Offices
The project aims at information sharing and comparative study of design non-patent literature
data resources among the five partner offices, and the project will be studied from four aspects.
Study of practices of priority right for industrial designs by ID5 Offices
The five Partner Offices have certain diverse laws and practices regarding the foreign priority
right system for industrial designs.
To better understand the differences, an in-depth comparative study on foreign priority right systems for
industrial designs was conducted.
Comparative study of practices concerning product indications
The purpose of the “Comparative study of practices concerning product indications” is to allow
a better understanding of the respective differences among the practices of the ID5 Offices for the benefit of
Offices and users.
Catalogue of the view and drawing requirements for designs
The purpose of the “Update of the Catalogue of View and Drawing Requirements” Project is to
update the current catalogue that was approved during the design session of the TM5 meeting in 2013, in
particular taking into consideration the recent adhesion to The Hague Agreement of the USPTO and JPO. Further
the catalogue needs to be geographically extended to China, SIPO being one of the ID5 Partners since 2015.
Finally, a maintenance methodology needs to be defined.
Catalog of eligibility for industrial design protection
To broaden the mutual understanding amomg Partners through the sharing of basic legal information, such information as on design protection systems and regitrability reqirements.
Comparative study of the application of a grace period for industrial design applications
To catalogue and compare the provisions related to a grace period for industrial designs for
each of the Partners, and how the grace period is applied in respective jurisdictions.
Comparative study of partial designs as effective means of protection industrial design innovation
To catalogue and compare the provisions related to the protection of partial designs for each
of the Partners (i.e., a designs for less than the entire article/product), including use of broken lines and
other depiction mechanisms.