All ID5 Offices joined the WIPO Digital Access Service (DAS) for exchanging industrial design priority documents

The ID5 Partners are pleased to announce that all of the ID5 Partner Offices fully participate in the WIPO DAS based priority document exchange system for exchanging industrial design priority documents.

WIPO DAS is an electronic system allowing priority documents and similar documents to be securely exchanged between participating IP offices, helping applicants electronically meet the Paris Convention’s requirements for providing priority and similar documents to participating offices.

CNIPA commenced operation as both a depositing Office and an accessing Office to WIPO DAS for industrial designs on 15 April 2013. The ID5 project led by CNIPA and USPTO was adopted at the 2016 Annual meeting with the aim to determine the feasibility and implementation timelines for ID5 Partners joining WIPO DAS. Subsequently CNIPA was followed by KIPO (20 July 2018), USPTO (1 October 2018), JPO (1 January 2020) and EUIPO (11 July and 12 September 2020).

Thereby the Partners achieved the project objective to provide more choices and better services to users in conformity with the aims of ID5, including improving the user-friendliness of industrial design systems.
At the 2021 Midterm meeting ID5 Partners agreed to close the project in the 2021 Annual Meeting, and present the summary during the User Session of this year.